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No sleep, Nightli, repeat.

It is a lifestyle, it is a movement, it is the best way of exploring the nightlife scene. Nightli has all you need for clubbing: guestlist, tickets, tables, and more.

About nightli's nightclub event at rose nattklubb in stockholm

We are a nightlife app

Founded 2020 at KTH innovation in Stockholm, nightli started and re-invented itself 2022 after 2 years of pandemic and a closed nightlife scene.

Connecting nightclubs and guests

Our goal has always open up nightlife and make clubbing easily accessible. With this purpose we grew our social accounts during corona visting nightclubs and became swedens largest platform.

View our TikTok profile
nightli's nightclub event at rose 2022

We are a nightlife app

Founded 2020 at KTH innovation in Stockholm, nightli started and re-invented itself 2022 after 2 years of pandemic and a closed nightlife scene.

Connecting nightclubs and guests

Our goal has always open up nightlife and make clubbing easily accessible. With this purpose we grew our social accounts during corona visting nightclubs and became swedens largest platform.

View our TikTok profile

Party with team nightli

nightli ceo Henrik
Get access to nightclub guest lists.
friends going out to nightclubs.

Dayanch Nyyaz.

CTO - App development

nightli ceo Henrik
friends going out to nightclubs.

Henrik Hellbe

CEO & Founder

Event specialist
nightclubs in my city

Open position

Want to be our intern?

Work - party balance?

Working at nightli is all about having fun, just like going clubbing. Why build a company, app and work all night long if we can't enjoy it.

Join team nightli

What is the nightli app?

The booking app for nightclubs

Founder and CEO, Henrik Hellbe is visiting Techpodden to talk about nightli. Why it is an easy way to manage guestlists and larrge quantites of bookings. Described as the Airbnb for nightclubs the app is an open platform for venues to publish their events and guest to apply.